Become an Typing Specialist


What if you could help anyone unlock the power of the Enneagram?


As a Typing Specialist – you CAN!

Do you remember when you discovered your Enneagram type for the first time?

It’s a major lightbulb moment that leaves most people thinking, “I wish I had known this sooner!”

Unlocking your Enneagram type gives you a superpower for understanding yourself, improving your relationships, communicating with others, performing well in your job, and so much more.

As a Typing Specialist, you’ll be able to help others achieve their lightbulb “This is ME!” moment and add a layer of success and meaning to the work you’re already doing.

Becoming a Typing Specialist is an incredibly powerful skill!


Is the Typing Specialist course for me?

If you love the Enneagram and desire to coach, lead or guide others on their transformational journey, then becoming a Typing Specialist is for you!

This course is particularly helpful for:

  • Enneagram enthusiasts
  • Ministry leaders
  • Marketplace leaders
  • Mental health professionals
  • Life coaches
  • Business + team coaches or consultants



Where will I use my Typing skills?

If you work with people or are in a helping field, there’s no end of use for your Typing skills! 

Here are a few scenarios to help you see when your Enneagram Typing skills would be beneficial:


✓Sitting with a friend over coffee who feels like her Enneagram type “just isn’t right” or who wants to figure out her Enneagram type but is confused between two numbers 


✓Mediating a disagreement between two people who can’t understand each other 


✓Helping a therapy client figure out why he feels unfulfilled and unseen in his marriage


✓Guiding a life coaching client toward goals that are personally fulfilling and meaningful 

✓Helping a growing business improve dynamics between team members and build a stronger team culture


Become A Typing Specialist

The Typing Specialist Course Gives You


Practical Knowledge

You’ll dive deep into type descriptions, core motivations, specific questions, and our mistyping guide to build your Typing skills.

Skills and Tools

You need more than head knowledge to become a Typing Specialist. We’re giving you the best skills and tools our team has developed through 20+ years of experience and having typed over 3 million people!

Hands-on Practice

This isn’t just theory! During the course, you’ll have a chance to practice with others and get real-time feedback.

The best Enneagram assessments are only 70% accurate

Because identifying your Enneagram type is based on core motivation, it can be hard for people to land on the right type simply by taking a test.

Most of us need a trusted guide to help us along our journey of self-discovery.

As a Typing Specialist, you’re equipped to guide people to their ah-ha moment of discovering their type and beginning their transformational journey with the Enneagram.

This is a life-changing expertise!



Become an Enneagram 
Typing Specialist Is Taught LIVE


But only when you join by August 30, 2024!

Join our experienced and knowledgeable Director of Coaching, Adam Breckenridge, as he leads you through each lesson in real-time. Meet with your Typing Specialist classmates once a week for live-taught material and practice!

What You Need to KNOW

This is the foundation of your Typing Specialist experience.

Adam will walk you through:

  • Type Descriptions 
  • Core Motivations 
  • Type-Specific Questions 
  • Mistyping Guide

After these lessons, you’ll have the knowledge you need to help anyone find their Enneagram type!


What You Need to DO

This is where you turn your knowledge into proven, effective action.

Adam will guide you through our signature
Typing Guide and show you how to use the guide to facilitate different conversations and interviews – from a quick 10-minute session to a more involved 60-minute experience.



It’s time to take what you know and what you can do and practice using your knowledge and skills with real people.

This week, we’ll break out into groups to lead practice Typing interviews so you’ll feel confident working with people in your life and business when you complete this course. 

Hands-on practice and feedback help you refine your skills and embody your new role as a Typing Specialist!


Enroll By Friday, August 30th to Get These Bonuses










 Get These BONUSES!

LIVE Call with Enneagram Experts

Jump on a call with a panel of certified Enneagram coaches who will answer your questions and share their top tips and tricks for Typing.

Typing Cards

All the information you need to help someone connect with their motivation + identify their type in one convenient, digital bundle.

Book Your First
Typing Interview Guide

Excited to add an additional revenue stream through Typing interviews? We’ll walk you step-by-step through getting started.


Join today for the best savings + LIVE teaching

Become an Enneagram Typing Specialist is typically $697.

But when you enroll by midnight
on Friday, August 30th
you’ll save $200!



You’ll get access to:

  • The LIVE-taught Become an Enneagram Typing Specialist course
  • LIVE call with Enneagram experts sharing their best typing secrets + answering your questions
  • Digital typing cards to make facilitating typing interviews easier and more effective than ever
  • Book Your First Typing Interview Guide to help you turn your new expertise into repeatable revenue 

All are backed by our 30-day money-back guarantee! 


“Adam is wise, knowledgeable, and absolutely fantastic at teaching!”

As Director of Coaching, Adam is well-versed at the practical application of the Enneagram. His knowledge runs deep, but what’s truly impressive is his ability to teach others and help them connect with the Enneagram. 

You’ll love being led by Adam. He engages everyone in meaningful learning while still keeping things fun and interesting. (And he usually can’t resist a dad joke or two!) 

You couldn’t ask for a better guide to becoming a Typing Specialist! 

– Beth & Jeff McCord


Have a question? 
Let’s get you an answer!

Don’t miss your chance to save $200 and become an Enneagram Typing Specialist!

As a Typing Specialist, you can add a meaningful element to your current work or create a new revenue stream.