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Type 4
The Introspective Individualist

Type 4s live primarily in their imagination and in their feelings. They may be artistic, sensitive, creative, articulate, and inspiring; or moody, elitist, and self-absorbed.

What drives a Type 4 to think, feel, and behave in particular ways?

Core Fear:

  • Being inadequate, emotionally cut off, plain, mundane, defective, flawed, or insignificant.

Core Desire:

  • Being unique, special, and authentic.

Core Weakness: 

  • Envy—feeling that they are tragically flawed, something foundational is missing inside them, and others possess qualities they lack.

Core Longing (message they long to hear):

  • You are seen and loved for exactly who you are—special and unique.”

Are you a Type 4 and wish you understood yourself, others, and the Enneagram better? Then you are in the right place. Start your path of growth and purchase our Exploring You online coaching course for Type 4.


Type 4s
At Their Best & At Their Worst

When we know, trust, and believe we are Christ's beloved child, we will live more freely in his grace at the healthier levels. When we believe we are on our own, we move down the levels of development.

Healthy 4s
Healthy 4s are creative, emotionally honest, connected, and inspired by beauty. Healthy 4s know, believe, and trust that they are already Christ’s special and beloved child. Therefore, they do not need to strive to be unique in order to receive the unconditional love they long for. They realize that they are seen and loved 100% of the time because Christ secured this for them, and that they did nothing to deserve it. God simply loves them for exactly who they are.

4s on Auto-Pilot
When 4s begin to forget that they are Christ’s beloved child (desired, pursued, seen for their unique qualities, and cherished), they begin to move into the average levels of development. Because the 4 has begun to forget how much Christ loves them, they believe they to have to exaggerate their uniqueness to get the attention and affection from others. They begin to think that they are missing something fundamental that others have.

Unhealthy 4s
Problems begin to multiply when 4s think that others will appreciate their uniqueness and emotional depth in the same way they do. When a 4 sees that others do not understand their unique style, they spiral down and feel misunderstood, defective, flawed, and alone. These feelings cause even more sadness. Becoming self-absorbed, temperamental, moody, feeling they are lacking, and missing something vital inside of them is common at this level. They begin to manipulate others by acting like or feeling they are the victim.

Start your path of growth and purchase our Exploring You online coaching course for Type 4. 


Discover More About Yourself and Others

Want to know why you think, feel and behave in certain ways? Wish you could understand other people better, too? Imagine the impact that would have on your life!

Discovering you is a guide to understanding the strengths and pitfalls of each Enneagram Type, why the Enneagram is the best tool for the transformation, and how to start your personal journey to the life you want. 

This special offer includes:

  • 14 Short Videos (simplifying the Enneagram & each Type)
  • 16-page Workbook (overview of all 9 Enneagram Types with notes taken for you)
  • Lifetime Access
  • Flexibility and ease to watch on any device

Join us now! Offer good for 3 days.

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What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram (Ennea=9, Gram=Diagram) is simply a map for self-discovery and personal growth. The diagram describes the 9 basic personality types based upon their unique ways of relating to the world.

The Enneagram accurately and clearly describes why you think, feel and behave in particular ways based upon your core fears and core desires. 

The power of the Enneagram is in its ability to harness and transform self-defeating behaviors into life-enhancing personal empowerment. The gift of the Enneagram is that through self-discovery, one can create and sustain meaningful and lasting relationships with others, God and themselves.