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Books All About The Enneagram

Using the Enneagram to Create a Thriving Gospel-Centered Marriage

Becoming Us

Written by Beth and Jeff McCord, Becoming Us is both a wake-up call and an instruction manual for couples in a committed relationship who want to see and understand one another from a fresh perspective. 

Accelerate Your Personal Growth and Spiritual Renewal with The Enneagram Collection

The Enneagram Journal Collection

These books for every Enneagram Type are broken down into 21 daily readings, helping you unpack your story using the powerful tool of the Gospel-centered Enneagram. 


Beth McCord

Best-selling author, speaker, and coach Beth McCord is the founder and lead content creator of Your Enneagram Coach, a community designed to be a safe place for individuals to explore the Enneagram. With years of experience and a passion for coming alongside individuals, couples, and groups, Beth is leading the way in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Her mission is to make personal awareness and growth accessible for everyone, anywhere, so they can experience health and transformation in every area of their lives. 

Jeff McCord

Pastor Jeff McCord has led and served several churches and organizations for more than 20 years. He has a Masters of Divinity as well as multiple certifications in pastoral counseling, family and church mediations, and Gospel coaching. The Enneagram transformed Jeff's life, family and ministry, leading him to co-found Your Enneagram Coach with his wife, Beth McCord. 


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