When you understand what makes you (and those around you) tick, you can:
Print out the workbook and watch
the 14 short videos at your
own pace.
Begin your journey of transformation
with new clarity about yourself and
the people around you.
Any Enneagram assessment is only 75-85% accurate.
In the Discovering You course, you'll:
Most people identify with more than one type. Drill down on your best fit.
Vast variations exist in each type. Understand the power of knowing yours (and all the others).
Start embracing the things you love about yourself, avoiding the things you don't and relate better with others.
"Beth McCord has done deep and substantial work with the Enneagram in the light of the Gospel. Her trainings consistently open my eyes and my heart to not only who I am, but who I want to be. I am growing and changing because of this course and I am so deeply grateful."
"I'd recommend this course to anyone who values gaining a better understanding and appreciation of oneself and others in order to love and forgive in a greater measure."
"This was exactly what I needed for 2018. I took the Exploring You course, and I am seeing a profound change in my relationships with my family, friends, and co-workers. The Enneagram has been the most powerful tool that God has used in my life. I can't wait to see what God has in mind for the future."
Most types have a natural tendency to put up walls, but God designed us to be in community with others.
That's why we created Discovering You. This self-paced, online course helps you understand how you react in life and what those reactions tell you about your level of stress and overall emotional health. When you understand yourself better, you can stop being controlled by fear and start living the life you desire.
50% Complete
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